- Breast and body thermography is totally painless, radiation-free, compression-free, and contact-free.
- All thermograms are performed by a trained, certified, female technician called a clinical thermographer.
- Your appointment is completely private and confidential. You are welcome to bring a friend or companion to be present during the appointment.
- Before the appointment, you will be asked to fill out your health history forms at home and bring them with you.
- You will be asked to review and follow a "preparation sheet" to prepare for your appointment. This includes things like no shaving, lotions, deodorant, etc. on the day of the imaging.
- When you arrive, you will be taken to a private changing area to remove clothing and jewelry from the areas to be scanned and given a colorful sarong to wear. Gowns are available too if that's more comfortable for you. Your hair needs to be off of your face and neck.
- Once you have changed, we will sit together and go over your health history while your body is acclimating to the room temperature. This usually takes about 15-20 minutes and is an important step to make sure the images are accurate.
- Once your body temperature is stable, imaging begins. For the breast, we take 5 images/views and for the full body we taken 31 images. You will be guided trough this process with complete discretion from the thermographer.
- When the imaging is complete, it's time to get dressed and review the images together.
- Your images, along with your health history, are sent to a group of medical doctors specially trained and certified in thermography, called Thermologists.
- Once we receive your interpretation back from the doctor, usually about 2-5 days, a copy will be sent to you. Upon request, a copy will be sent to the healthcare provider of your choice.
Please call us at (901) 249-8642 for questions and to schedule your appointment TODAY!
You can visit our website at memphisthermography.com