"A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the
hope and promise of the future." - Author Unknown

I wish breast thermography had been around when my mother was post hysterectomy and put on hormone replacement therapy. If available at the time, I feel certain that this screening could have saved my mother's life. Spreading the word about thermography's capability for early detection of breast cancer is my passion--a cause that I dedicate to the memory of my mother.
Fortunately, I am able to share the "joyful moments of the present" with my two wonderful daughters. They give me the strength, support, and unconditional love I need to be successful in this passionate cause. I learn something new from them every day! They are my "hope and promise for the future." We must educate ourselves so that we can pass this information down to our daughters... our future... from generation to generation.
The month of May was named for the Greek goddess Maia (associated with fertility). With the budding trees and blooming flowers surrounding us, we are reminded of the miracle of rebirth that comes with Spring. With so much pollen around us aiding in the germination of flowers and trees (unfortunately causing the worst allergies in years), it makes perfect sense that this is the month chosen to celebrate mothers. Happy Mother's Day!
Come together for your initial radiation free breast screening in the month of May and you
will each receive a $10 discount! Call now… 901-249-8642