Author Dr. David A. Olson’s (http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1175560-overview) published paper on mercury toxicity states: “For centuries, mercury was an essential part of many different medicines, such as diuretics, antibacterial agents, antiseptics, and laxatives. In the late 18th century, anti-syphilitic agents contained mercury. It was during the 1800s that the phrase "mad as a hatter" was coined, owing to the effects of chronic mercury exposure in the hat-making industry, where the metal was used in the manufacturing process”.
According to mercurysafety.com, “Mercury is a highly toxic metal and can have severe adverse effects on our health”. Mercury is a known neurotoxin (causes neurological injury) that can lead to developmental defects and weaken the immune system.
Most dentists no longer use amalgam fillings because fifty percent of the filling is composed of liquid mercury. In a large U.S. Center for Disease Control epidemiological study, NHANES found that those with more amalgam fillings (more mercury exposure) have significantly higher levels of chronic health conditions. There is also a reasonable concern that mercury, presently used as a preservative in vaccines, has been shown to compromise the health of children and adults.
Mayo Clinic advises pregnant women “if you regularly eat fish high in mercury, the substance can accumulate in your bloodstream over time. Too much mercury in your bloodstream could damage your baby's developing brain and nervous system”. Mercury exposure can be fatal when inhaled and can damage organs and decrease fertility (male and female).
Some common symptoms of chronic mercury poisoning are digestive issues, emotional changes, dizziness, frequent headaches, muscle and joint pain, depression, and decreased energy, but the list goes on and on.
If you suspect that mercury poisoning might be causing your symptoms, and you want to know more about the causes and treatments, here is a blog titled ‘Mercury: How to Get This Lethal Poison Out Of Your Body”. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-mark-hyman/mercury-how-to-get-this-l_b_469358.html)
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