What each and every woman needs to know is that breast thermography is not just for others! Breast thermography is important for every woman starting in her early twenties. Thermography is important for YOU, and can offer information not available with other screenings.
I'm not suggesting giving up other screening methods. I'm suggesting adding a safe and easy screening that can only benefit women with increased information. With all of the money and attention being used to research cures for breast cancer, how far have we really come? Every day we are still touched by a friend or family member that has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
What makes us so resistant to taking things into our own hands and becoming proactive in our own health care?
Don't we want to use every resource available to us to prevent this disease?
Why wouldn't every woman want to take every step possible to increase her chances for prevention and early detection of breast cancer?
Must we resort to thinking that cutting off our breasts is a normal act of prevention?
Please take this disease seriously! According to the American Cancer Society, 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Don't be part of the statistic! Take care of yourself! YOU DESERVE IT!