Many of the more well-known tests are anatomical. This means that it examines and describes the structures of living things. Physiology, however, is the study of how our cells, organs, and muscles interact. To explain further, anatomy looks at what the structure is while physiology looks at what it does.
Breast Thermography is important for every woman starting in her early twenties. It’s safe, easy, and offers information not available with other modalities. Physiological changes within the breast tissue can begin as many as 8 years before a lump can be seen on a mammogram.
According to Dr. Thomas Hudson, a diagnostic radiologist specializing in breast imaging, "It is not unusual for a woman with an abnormal breast thermogram to be asymptomatic and have normal mammography and ultrasound results. So what does that abnormal thermogram mean? A study published in 1980 follower 1527 such women for 12 years. Of this group, 44 percent developed malignancies within 5 years. The study concluded that “an abnormal thermogram is the single most important marker of high risk for the future development of breast cancer."
Many women want to know what to do with an abnormal thermogram. The knowledge obtained gives a woman time to embrace cancer prevention strategies. We must take things into our own hands, become proactive in our health, and utilize every resource available in order to prevent breast cancer from making us a statistic.