The American Cancer Institute recommends that women 40 and older have a mammogram every 1 to 2 years. What about women under the age of 40? Younger women have been overlooked in the fight for early detection and prevention.
Here are a few facts about breast cancer in young women (source:
- Each year, approximately 70 thousand men and women ages 15 to 39 are diagnosed with cancer in the US. Breast cancer accounts for roughly 15% of all cancers in this age group.
- Women ages 15 to 34 die more frequently from breast cancer than any other cancer.
- There are nearly 250,000 women in the United States under the age of 40 currently living with breast cancer.
- Young women's cancers are generally more aggressive and result in lower survival rates.
In light of these statistics, what choices are available for young women? There IS a safe, radiation free screening available that can detect breast changes at a very early stage. It is safe for women of all ages and can detect abnormal activity 8-10 years before anything can be seen on a mammogram! An annual Thermography screening offers women of all ages a valuable tool to aid in the early detection and prevention of breast cancer.
Please visit our Breast Health page or contact us to learn more about what Thermography can do for you!